

Perennials are an important part of the production for JAC Stecklinge. We have decided not to carry an extensive range but to concentrate on the most common varieties, and then to produce these in large numbers. For many of these varieties we have our own parent plants, so we can also offer competitive prices. In addition to various varieties of Vinca, Pachysandra and Waldsteinia we also have the most common species of Ajuga, Salvia, Geraniums and Lavender.

Because we have misting installations and plastic tunnels at our disposal, we can vary the conditions depending on which perennials root best under which humidity conditions.

Geraniums cuttings require special attention. The parent plants must be healthy for successful rooting. JAC Stecklinge outsources geranium cultivation to a specialised nursery where the soil is very sandy, which is ideal for growing these perennials. In May of each year we send our cuttings to this grower who ensures that they grow into healthy plants.

We have decided only to take Lavender cuttings from basic plant propagation material from Africa. In practice, these cuttings grow much more vigorously than cuttings taken from Dutch plant material. We absorb the higher cost price for this product ourselves, partly because the feedback from our customers is very positive; there is no loss after potting on. And the customer has a product ready for delivery in a short time frame.
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